Crispy Plantain Fries.

by Brittany on September 16, 2013

Post image for Crispy Plantain Fries.

 If you are looking to eat a french fries on the paleo diet, vegan diet or just looking for a healthier option.. Plantain fries have your name all over them. Because they are incredible!!  Crispy as heck and so easy to make.

The general rule is that your plantains should be green for best results. As they start to get brown spots on their skin like bananas they will get sweeter and not quite as crisp all the way through. Though- they do still taste good.. just not quite like fries.

1 plantain usually is a good amount for 1 serving.. however you will find yourself (and your family) reaching for more- so plan for 2 plantains per person.

Plantain Fries.


  • 1-2 plantains (per person)
  • Oil for coating the skillet (I recommend Coconut or grapeseed oil)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste.
  1. Peel the plantains,  slice them in half diagonally and then cut into the shape of french fries (the thickness is up to you!).  A mandoline works great for this- but I have found cutting by hand is just as easy. 
  2. Pour oil into frying pan – You want the plantains to be covered halfway up their sides.
  3. Fry until crispy over medium heat until they are crispy on the outside and cooked through on the inside. They taste fantastic lightly cooked or extra well done. Flip them around in the oil a few times till  cook all sides are cooked.


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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Kristina September 16, 2013 at 8:32 pm

Yum!!!! I love plantains!!! The ones I have now are a little too brown to try this. Will grab some green ones and make these. Do you recommend a frying pan or pot to cook these guys in.


Brittany September 16, 2013 at 8:35 pm

I cooked mine in a cast iron skillet! However a frying pan would just do as well ;)


Michelle September 16, 2013 at 8:32 pm

Hello Brittany,

I discovered your blog looking for some healthier versions of the sweet treats I love so much. I cannot try them yet, as I am also on a medically imposed diet for my exposure to Toxic Molds. But I have gotten tons of ideas for alternative products that I can substitute in some of my own recipes. I look forward to trying your versions of my favorite desserts and more when I am better. Which brings me to my question….

I saw in your profile that you had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and Candida. The treatment for those is very similar to treatment for Mold Toxicity. Unfortunately I cannot find a good, caring doctor that knows both the medical side and the nutritional side. I was wondering if you would be willing to share who your doctors were throughout this process. I am from NJ but I will go anywhere I have to for treatment.

Thanks again for this WONDERFUL blog and tasty alternatives. I love your writing style and your photos are super yummy!



Donna September 16, 2013 at 11:13 pm

These look superb!!!…Could one possibly “do” this with a coconut oil coating and roasting in the oven?..I have a tendency to be on the receiving end of oil splatters…and wonder if you might achieve similar crispiness in the oven?


Brittany September 16, 2013 at 11:59 pm

You can surely try!! :)
I think it should work fine.


Aimee September 17, 2013 at 3:54 pm

Dang these look good! So how does a plaintain taste?? I’ve been contemplating trying the plaintain chips at Trader Joes but holding back because I’m not sure what it’s gonna taste like…I’m a scaredy cat that way.


Brittany September 17, 2013 at 6:43 pm

They are delicious. Not sweet like bananas unless you let them get really ripe then they are maybe 1/2 as sweet as a banana.
Plantain chips taste like crunchy chips.. Try them! I’ve never met a person that doesn’t end up loving them :)


Mrs G September 18, 2013 at 6:10 pm

I love them. Personally, I like to use a ripe platain, as they turn crunchy on the outside and soft inside. If you use unripe fruit, they will turn out hard, a bit like potato chips so it would be better to cut them thinner.


Angie September 19, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Have you ever tried baking the plantains for fries?


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