Gluten Free/Vegan Crispy Wonton Cups
Posted November 1, 2010 by Brittany
Prep Time 30 min Cook Time 18 min Ready Time 48 min Servings: 24 pieces



In my days before going Gluten Free- when hosting a party or having friends over for dinner- one of my favorite things to do was quickly Bake Wonton Dough in Muffin Tins to create little cups which I filled with a variety of things- depending on the time of year- sometimes Id put a fun Salsa or Chutney, cheese and fruit, Meat fillings or even make Mini Tacos. The opportunities are endless.  No matter what direction I took the filling- I found people were always Impressed- (despite how easy it was for me to put them together!) So. Last week when I created a Wonton Dough- Naturally I needed to test and make sure that it functioned well as the gluten containing baked Wonton Cup. and To my Joy- they turned out Fantastic. Due to the fact that you have to Make and Roll out the dough- these don't come together quite as quick as the store purchased Wonton Squares- BUT lets be positive- now at least you CAN have wontons again :) and the dough is extremely easy to work with-  You'll need maybe an extra 30 minutes of time. (and that time is WORTH the end result!) The Key to making these is rolling the dough out EXTREMELY thin. The Thinner you can get it- the crunchier and crispier the cups will turn out. Also- If you would prefer to bake the dough in strips rather than in the cups- they would be delicious dipped in Hummus or whatever else you like dipping bread/crackers in. You can make these Cups ahead of time- they will be good for several days. Like anything else with time they may start to get a little stale on you.

So here's what you do:

  1. Make Dough the Dough! Follow THIS recipe: Gluten Free/Vegan Wonton Dough
  2. Preheat Oven to 350 Degrees
  3. Spray Muffin Tin with Non- Stick Spray (make sure its Gluten Free!)
  4. Using Either a Pasta Crank or Rolling Pin Roll the Dough out EXTREMELY thin (paper thin) on a slightly Rice Floured Surface.
  5. Cut dough into desired size/ shape and place piece into Muffin Tin. Allow the sides the ruffle- this will give the cups a nice presentation when you serve them (see photo below)
  6. Spray the Dough in the Cups with Additional Non-stick Spray. This will help give them a buttery flavor and help them become golden brown.
  7. Bake the Cups 18 minutes. Remove from oven and allow them to cool- as they cool they will become crispier.
  8. Fill with whatever you would like- (or just eat them with Salsa!)

This Recipe Makes Roughly 24 Wonton Cups- Using a Regular sized muffin Tin. Stay tuned- in the future I will Provide some fun recipes to fill the cups with!

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