Post image for Seasonal Sunday (02-06-11)

Seasonal Sunday (02-06-11)

by Brittany on February 6, 2011

Happy Sunday Everyone!

This week I’m feeling much more calm, cool and collected. The issues within this site were fixed and I am back in the saddle with my ducks back in a row. Then this past Tuesday I finally figured out how to make once again a cake that was out of this world. This has been a bit of a battle since going Gluten Free one year ago. I am so pleased with this recipe- It is Gluten/Dairy/Soy/Corn/Refined Sugar Free with an Egg Free option. This is not the recipe I am featuring today- but I’m just so thrilled with how intensely moist, soft and fluffy it was that I just had to mention it :)  Check it out- It has an ingredient that might surprise you: Extra Moist Gluten Free Double Chocolate Chip Cake.

Today I would like to highlight a Blogger that I admire and truly adore. Shirley from Gluten Free Easily is a kind soul- She is the first blogger than I ever connected with 6 months ago when Real Sustenance was at its beginnings. She answered questions and very much inspired me to keep at it. Shirley and I share a love for Pumpkin. So this past week when she shared her recipe for her Gluten Free Crustless Pumpkin Pie- I knew it needed to be featured. Gluten Free Easily is a mind field of recipes and information. Be sure to also check out her Popover recipes. (she has 2!)

This week my submission to Seasonal Sundays is a soup recipe that well- is the best soup I have ever made (or had). Have you ever cooked something and enjoyed its flavor so much that you continued to taste test it until your were full before ever sitting down for the meal itself?  That is what this soup did to me. Its simple and quick to throw together- and I think that you are absolutely going to love it.  Its Creamy, Aromatic & has just the perfect amount of curry flavor- and its good for you too!

Coconut Curry Cauliflower & Bean Soup

Now its your turn to share your fantastic Seasonal Creations!

I have made one little change to rule #3 – give that a quick once over.

Here are the Rules:

  1. Recipes must contain one Seasonal Ingredient (See below for the list of foods that are currently in season)
  2. You may link up old or new recipes. Wonderful food is always worth sharing! Feel free to share up to 6 recipes each week.
  3. Gluten Free Recipes are NOT required- this event is meant to inspire ideas for all. However I do ask that if your recipe is Gluten Free that you give it the “GF” Label.
  4. Please include a link to your blog in reference to Seasonal Sundays so that your readers may also participate.

Winter (December 21st- March 20th) : Beef, Game, Pork, calf’s liver, Buffalo,Grains, Venison,Chicken, Chicken livers , Turkey ,Goose , Duck, Guinea fowl, Squid, Lobster, Sea Bass, Scallops, Pacific Yellowtail, Pacific Cod, Monkfish, Halibut, White Beans, Lima Beans,White Beans, Maple Syrup, Rosemary, Sage, Mushrooms, Mussels, Lentils, Black Eyed Peas, Sugar and Snap Peas, Fennel, Hazelnuts, Walnuts, Sprouts, Bananas, Plantains, Onions, Yellow Onions, Shallots, Cipollini Onion, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Root Vegetables, Carrots, Daikon, Dates, Chinese Cabbage, Rutabaga, Radicchio, Celeriac,Celery, Turnips, Brussel Sprouts, Pumpkin, Beetroot, Winter Squash, Parsnips, Cabbage, Leeks, Shallots,  Sweet Potatoes. Yams, Potatoes,  Sunchokes (aka Jerusalem Artichokes) Kabocha squash, Okra, French Beans, Radishes, Greens (Arugula, Collards, Kale, Sea Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Chard) Dandelion Greens, Endive, Escarole,  Watercress, Cauliflower, Water Chestnuts, Avocado, Pears, Apples, Citrus Fruits: Ugli , Tangerines, Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Meyer Lemons, Limes, Papaya, Pineapples, Passion Fruit, Mangoes. Pomegranates and Kiwi’s.

Here’s to a Happy week for all of you!



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{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }

Shirley @ gfe February 6, 2011 at 3:17 pm

Hi Brittany–Oh, you’re such a sweetheart to feature me and say such darling things–thank you! I had no idea until you made the comment the other day over at Debi’s that I was the first blogger you met. The Twitterverse and our mutual love of pumpkin brought us together! ;-) I linked up a Pear-ific Green Smoothie that uses organic pear juice (include a review … hope that’s okay), kale, and cabbage. It’s so tasty and, of course, good for you. :-)

Happy Seasonal Sunday and thanks again, my dear friend! BTW, every time I come to your blog, I just relax and enjoy because your blog is so clean and simple with such lovely colors and photos. xo,


Brittany February 6, 2011 at 8:01 pm

Shirley that Is So great to hear :) my primary goal was to make the site simple and as user friendly as possible- I was incredibly lucky to have a friend help me put it all together!
I now have someone helping me update my logo- which I am super excited about.

On another note- I am so thrilled to know you! And was excited to feature you today. You are someone everyone in the gluten free community ( and beyond) should connect with!
Maybe one day I'll get the opportunty to meet you in person. If that happens we will need to share pumpkin tea with pumpkin cookies and pumpkin cake! :)
Happy Seasonal Sunday to you!


Debi February 6, 2011 at 3:31 pm

It’s amazing how our love for similar foods have brought us all together. :D Gotta love the blogosphere!


Brittany February 6, 2011 at 7:56 pm

Love is not even the world! Meeting all these so cool people with this shared passion has been the highlight of the century for me. Especially amazing friends like you! :)


Living So Abundantly February 6, 2011 at 7:18 pm

Thank you for encouraging me to link up. :) Your blog will be a help to my friend, too, who has a child with a milk protein allergy. She is nursing, so she has to stay away from dairy. Great site!


Brittany February 6, 2011 at 7:54 pm

I reallly appreciate that :)
Thanks so much for sharing your recipe!!


Lisa@ The Nourishing Homemaker February 6, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Hi, Brittnay! Thanks so much for the invite. I love your list for foods that are in season. I’ve looked this up before and all I could find was “carrots” for the winter. Gee, thanks. We’ll eat just carrots all winter long ;)

I forgot to put GF on my link. My Pumpkin Spice Cookies are gluten free.

Thanks for hosting!


Brittany February 6, 2011 at 7:53 pm

Lisa your site is SO much fun. I’m so excited to have found it!
( everyone go check it out!!) :)
Thanks for linking up today!


Miz Helen February 6, 2011 at 8:31 pm

Hi Britany,

Just stopping by to take a look at all your wonderful food that you have today. I did not have anything Gluten Free to bring today, but maybe next week. I did make some Cranberry Beef Sliders that you could use Gluten Free Rolls with. Hope you are having a great week end and hope to see you soon!

Miz Helen


Brittany February 6, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Oh Miz Helen! The recipes do not have to be Gluten Free! :) You are more than welcome to share anything you have that fits within the Seasonal Ingredient Category :)

Cranberry Beef Sliders sound WONDERFUL! You come up with some Brilliant recipes :)

xo, Brittany


Miz Helen February 6, 2011 at 9:13 pm

Thanks for letting me know I could bring my Sliders…so I did…Enjoy! Have a great week end!


Brittany February 6, 2011 at 9:59 pm

You too!!!! Enjoy the game :)


Angela February 6, 2011 at 9:39 pm

Thanks so much for the invite. All of these recipes look AMAZING! I can not wait to dig in some more on your super neat blog. Thanks! :)


Carrie February 7, 2011 at 1:32 am

Made your totally decadent and utterly wonderful chocolate cake today — it's amazing! I baked it in a bundt pan, but don't recommend it — a tube pan might work better. Thank you!


Brittany February 7, 2011 at 1:41 am

Wohoooo!!! Glad you liked it :)


Erika Beth February 11, 2011 at 7:34 pm

Thanks for the invite. I will definitely link up this Sunday. :)


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