Cheesy Parsnip Latkes. (Egg Free/ Low Carb)

by Brittany on December 18, 2012

Post image for Cheesy Parsnip Latkes. (Egg Free/ Low Carb)

Ever had something so delicious that upon taking your first bite you couldn’t help but close your eyes and feel a trance of happiness on your tongue?  These Latkes are love.

Living gluten free (plus a multitude of additional allergies and sensitivities for many of us) the most important thing you can do is focus on the foods that you CAN have, vs. those that you cannot.  Considering that eggs make me ill, and having too much starch really does a number on me I was mildly stumped on how I could have (and enjoy) latkes this year . I let the wheels in my head turn until it pieced together a recipe from the list of my “safe”  ingredients. Sometimes I can put together a recipe idea quickly to figure out a solution.. other times it takes me up to a few months. But the solution always comes. My new favorite phrase is “  “No wish is ever impossible.” I live by that philosophy.. its been my guiding truth!

I can have parsnips and I can have goat cheese! And there we have it.. and unique latke recipe that tastes BETTER than I have EVER had before.

Cheesy Parsnip Latkes

  • 2 cups grated parsnips
  • 1/2- 1 cup shredded cheese any flavor or variety. (Dairy, Non- Dairy, Goat or Sheeps based)
  • A Dash of Salt & Pepper
  • 3 Tbs Boiling Water + 1 1/2 Tsp Starch (Tapioca Starch, Arrowroot or Potato Starch). OR 1 egg
  • Optional add in ingredients: Chives or 1 small diced onion and any flavor of spices that you dare to dream up!
  1. In a bowl combine the grated parsnips, cheese (using 1/2-1 cup pending how cheesy you want them- 1 cup yeilds a super cheesy end result). Add salt and pepper (and any other spices that suite your fancy).
  2. In the microwave heat up the 3 Tbs of water until it boils (roughly one minute). Quickly sift and whisk in the starch (sift to avoid clumping). The end result will be a thick “goo”. 
  3. Stir the starchy “goo” into the parsnip mixture. Using your hands mix the latke ingredients – after a moment of mixing you’ll notice all the ingredients will start to stick and hold together fairly well.
  4. Heat up a nonstick skillet and add a little oil (I use Coconut oil). Press mounts of latke ingredients into flat patties and cook them in the skillet over medium high heat for several minutes on each side. They should be golden brown and cooked through. 

Ps. Starting tonight at 7:00 Pm EST I have a giveaway going on my facebook page! I’m sharing with a reader 3 giant 32 oz jars of Coconut oil from Garden of Life! Entering is simple! Head over to my Facebook Page to do so. 

Some of my  favorite recipes that are *extra* special thanks to coconut oil

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Tracey Brown December 18, 2012 at 11:00 pm

Hi Brittany
These look very interesting and versatile. I have a question about frying them in the oil. How much oil do I put in the pan? Do I want them covered, or only a tiny amount or the bottom third? Guidance please! Tracey


Brittany December 18, 2012 at 11:54 pm

Great question!! You only need a little oil in the pan! Maybe 1/2 Tbs!


Chris December 19, 2012 at 9:50 pm

Can you make these without cheese or non-dairy cheese?
What is the purpose of the starch and water vs. flax egg?


Elizabeth Good December 20, 2012 at 7:04 am

I CAN have egg, but it’s nice that you figured out a way to do this sans eggs! I made latkes last year out of some low carb veggie instead of potato–turnip I think. Was delicious. This year I didn’t make anything for Chanukah, but since Chanukah is all over, will wait for next year’s winter holiday season to try something in the latke family.


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