Post image for How to Overcome Candida & a Recipe for Lime Green Juice!

How to Overcome Candida & a Recipe for Lime Green Juice!

by Brittany on June 19, 2012

Up until about 3 months ago, I thought that candida was a made up diagnosis given to people when nothing else could be figured out. That was all until it happened to me. Holy cow is candida a very real thing, not only is it real, but its terribly unpleasant.

In desperation to get rid of this yeast overgrowth I have tried everything. Some remedies helped, others made the situation worse. Here are some basic do’s and don’t that made a difference for me.


  • Drink green juice everyday! I drink up to 40 oz each day of fruit free- green veggie juice (recipe below).
  • Take Supplements such as: Oregano Oil, Gi- Synergy (by apex energetic) Candex and Colloidal Silver.
  • Take Probiotics. They are essential in balancing gut bacteria and the overall system. Make sure your probiotics are alive!
  • Take Magnesium Citrate with a lower dose of calcium citrate. Doing so will help keep your digestion in working order (Candida die off can cause constipation!)
  • Take your supplements at the same time each day. Consistency is key!
  • Eat a diet filled with Meat, Veggies and soaked non moldy nuts. (soak nuts in lemon or lime juice!) For those able Eggs, Cultured Goat and Sheep plain yogurt can be a great addition as well. Think high protein low carb!
  • Request a script for Diflucan from your MD if the yeast is spreading to more than one area of your body.
  • Eat lots of freshly minced garlic and coconut oil.
  • Keep a solid sleep schedule and avoid stress. Adrenal fatigue and candida can run rampant together. Keeping your adrenals balanced is crucial in overcoming candida. One can cause the other and they can quickly make each other worse.
  • Take your vitamins. Make sure your immune system has everything that it needs to aid in fighting off the infection.
  • Avoid any foods that you are intolerant or allergic to like the plague.
  • Drink lots of water!
  • Balance blood sugar levels- If you are experiencing adrenal fatigue or blood sugar issues Acupuncture may be hugely beneficial.
  • Fight your way through the die off period. It can be intense, and you may feel like you have the flu. But it means you are headed in the right direction. Brave your way through it. Understand that you may feel discouraged, depressed or too sick to do much of anything. This is normal, and it won’t last forever!
  • Be patient and resilient! It might take time- months even. It also may get worse before it gets better! Keep up the hard work and you will make progress.
  • Take the time to learn what works best for you! We are all different, and understanding which foods trigger the yeast to grow is the most important tool you have in overcoming the infection.


  • Consume ANY sugar. Even low glycemic fruit- especially in the early stages of trying to get the infection under control.
  • Consume grains and starchy foods. This includes the avoidance of Carrots, Parsnips and other starchy veggies. The Paleo Diet has worked best for me.
  • Avoid Coconut Water. Though coconut is anti fungal the water contains sugar and will feed the yeast beast!
  • Do NOT take Nystatin unless it has been compounded to remove sugar. YES, sugar.. why they put it in an antifungal is beyond me. It caused more problems for me than it helped.
  • Avoid moldy nuts such as peanuts and pistachios.
  • Avoid all vinegar except for Apple Cider Vinegar.  Limit even the apple cider variety.
  • Don’t skip doses of your medication or supplements.
  • Don’t cheat on your diet. One starchy, sugary treat can set your progress 10 steps backwards. You may find that you have extreme cravings for sugar and carbs! Don’t give in!

Research shows that many health problems, including yeast and cancer flourish in an acidic environment. Green juice helps to create a much healthier alkaline internal balance- one that does not allow the yeast the flourish. I know I noticed a difference in my symptoms right away when I started to guzzle my green juice. Not only did I feel the yeast subsiding, but I also felt my  system start to effectively detox. My die off symptoms were not as brutal! My energy levels came back to a  much better place, and my adrenal and blood sugar issues quickly balanced out. Fresh green juice is a powerful healing tool- one that I’ll be clinging to for a long time to come!

Lime Green Juice

1 Large Cucumber
1/2  bag of celery

Lettuce/ Collard Greens/ Kale/ Swiss Chard
Handful of Parsley
Green Pepper (optional)
1-3 tbs Lime or Lemon Juice
Stevia to taste
Pinch of Sea Salt.

Juice veggies, stir in stevia and sea salt and serve over ice! Do any mix of vegetables that suites you. I find using a hefty dose of cucumber and celery makes for a nice and mild tasting juice. Add enough lemon/lime and stevia and it will start to taste like lemon or limeade.


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{ 74 comments… read them below or add one }

Jillian June 19, 2012 at 9:54 pm

I really do think I’m suffering from this now, but I’m completely out to sea on how to make myself well. It seems as though there is endlessly conflicting information.

I think I’m headed for paleo and will keep your “do’s and don’ts” handy. Do you have any other resources that you trust?


Brittany June 19, 2012 at 9:59 pm

Everything for me has been trial and error! We are all different, but this is just what seems to be working for me! My candida was crazy out of control- it was spreading everywhere. And now slowly but surely Its going away little by little. I don’t have any 1 source that I completely trust..


Jillian June 19, 2012 at 10:58 pm

Ok, well thank you for the reply! I guess I’ll just have to start trying things. The fatigue is KILLING me. I just can’t seem to get enough sleep. uuuuuuugh.


Liza Jo April 28, 2013 at 9:56 pm

A good book to trust, Jillian, is The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates.


Christine June 19, 2012 at 10:29 pm

I so agree with the trial and error statement. And yes, it is frustrating to have all of the conflicting information. I have also found that what works one time doesn’t always work another time there is a flare up. I think everyone around me is sick of my food issues because of the Candida, leaky gut, and delayed food reactions. My diet evolves constantly even with the “OK” foods. Have you found that GAPS(with the bone broths and fermented foods added to the Paleo diet) seems to help heal the gut and get rid of Candida? I am not sure what else to try. I hate living like this. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could just freely eat ANY vegetable, nut, and fruit without a reaction or Candida issue. Thankfully I can eat all meats.


Amy June 20, 2012 at 12:50 am

I went through this a few years ago and followed Doug Kauffman’s anti-fungal diet! Life changing!


Trish October 16, 2013 at 1:14 pm

Hi Amy,

I watch Doug’s show, “Know The Cause”, and I have been considering purchasing his book. He has a few books. Can you tell me which book (or books) to purchase for the anti fungal diet? And how long did it take for you to feel well on the Phase 1 Diet?

Thank you :)


Kate @ eatrecyclerepeat June 20, 2012 at 1:03 am

This is a super helpful summary on what to do for candida. There are so many different types of anti-candida diets (and so many sources now!), but I know I can trust you because you also have Hashimoto’s and use that wonderful book by Dr. Kharrazian. Thank you for using your difficult struggle to help others heal faster and more efficiently. Wishing you happy, healing thoughts!


Brittany June 20, 2012 at 1:44 am

I know! It can be so overwhelming. Following the advice from various sites I sometimes got worse rather than better. I really believe getting under candida is a trial and error thing, and maybe what works for me won’t help others quite so much. But I thought I would share either way :) Having Hashimotos, Adrenal Fatigue, Metabolic Syndrome AND Candida I had to really attack this thing from all fronts to make any progress!


Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy June 20, 2012 at 2:08 am

This is such a great post! Those are excellent tips! I’ve been on the Body Ecology Diet for 2 months to combat candida. You’re right about the die off — horrible. I had fevers of 104 for a 48 hour period. Nightmare for sure. Best of luck in your healing!


Brittany June 20, 2012 at 2:13 am

Ohh yeah! I never got a fever.. but the headaches were unbelievable! I also got extremely dark and depressed for a few weeks (which is SO not me). I was so dizzy I could barely stand up, extreme digestive upset, exhausted and all the while my candida symptoms were barely going away. It can be such a discouraging confusing time! I don’t wish it on anyone. Once I started juicing the die off symptoms became much more manageable!


Ricki June 20, 2012 at 12:10 pm

I’m so glad you’ve got things under control now, Brittany! I agree entirely that the specific diet has to be tailored to each individual. It took me several months to find what really worked for me, and what worked for me is different from what worked for you (and what might work for other people). I think the constants, in the beginning at least, are NO sugars (I also avoided all fruits at first) and lots of alkalizing foods. I know a lot of people who were able to beat it without prescription meds, but I wasn’t one of them, either. It’s such a tough diet, but thank goodness it works in the long run!


Brittany June 20, 2012 at 1:55 pm

Yeah.. I just tried going off diflucan again and it started to flare up. Like you I think I’ll be on a script for awhile to come! I think it all depends how bad it is- for both us it seems it became systemic! Thankfully I’m so used to eating paleo that the diet isn’t too hard for me! I wasn’t able to eat nuts for awhile and since I have them back everything feels ok In the world :)


Kate @ eatrecyclerepeat July 3, 2012 at 9:32 am

How did the both of you track your candida symptoms, flare ups, and trigger foods? Certain tests? A food journal? I am keeping a food journal right now, but sometimes my symptoms are not as obvious so it gets more difficult to figure out what exactly causes a reaction. Thanks!


Brittany July 3, 2012 at 11:28 am

I’m one of those “lucky” people that gets symptoms within 30 minutes of eating a problem food. If my body’s not thrilled I end up with joint pain for a few hours. It makes it really easy for me to track what caused it most of the time. I’m also really disciplined about only trying 1 new thing at a time. I’ll mix something new with my safe foods.


Brittany July 3, 2012 at 11:30 am

Also- my candida is severe enough that I can tell its gotten worse as it will begin to feel like I have a bladder infection. Another easy sign to follow.


Kate @ eatrecyclerepeat July 8, 2012 at 11:04 am

Oh dear, good luck with that. My habit for this month is to write down a food journal so I can track symptoms. In the mean time, I am loving the green juice and cucumber smoothies!

bitt June 23, 2012 at 6:39 pm

Thanks for this. Although I have to be the first to say that your diet doesn’t need to be “filled with meat” to do this. I was able to stay vegan and get better. I know many others who have too. Also staying away from antibiotic-laden meat is really important.

I am glad you mentioned the nizoral having sugar as now I switched back to diflucan. I do think it still helped me but after awhile it was giving me nausea, maybe from the sugar. I also take pau d’archo tea nightly, which really helps, and just started grapefruit seed extract too, in capsules because I heard the drops are nasty tasting. Have not done oregano oil yet but I might start.


Brittany June 24, 2012 at 1:50 pm

We are all different! Meat is really important for me- nothing else balances my blood sure quite like it. I’m
Borderline diabetic.. So the vegan diet would be a death trap for me.
But again- we are all different and the most important thing in overcoming candida is taking the time to learn what works and doesn’t work!


Andrea McCarthy July 8, 2012 at 11:41 pm

Great post (and recipe), Brittany! I will add this recipe to my diet immediately. I always do a green smoothie for breakfast (can’t live without it) but I like the addition of lemon/lime and the celery and cucumber. I just met with a health coaching client today who also has Candida and sent your post to her right away! Appreciate any and all information I can find as this is still a learning process for me only being diagnosed a month ago. I’ve been taking collodial silver (mixed with aloe vera juice) and it has done wonders! I think I need to implement the Magnesium and Calcium Citrates as well. Thank you for your continued help!! xo


Brittany July 8, 2012 at 11:49 pm

You seem to be doing amazing! So impressed with your hard work and dedication. Keep it up girlfriend!


Jenna September 9, 2013 at 8:56 pm

I have been battling Candida for a long time now. I have been doing aloe juice with apple cider vinegar and was thinking about adding in colloidal silver. How did it end up working for you? Also, how much colloidal silver did you use?



Julie August 5, 2012 at 2:01 am

Hi all,
I was recently diagnosed with a candida issue. My symptoms are more skin, bad breath and headache related. I am just about 4 weeks in to the diet with no grains and no sugars. It was hard at first but I feel it is helping. I am excited to try the Green juice this week. I love kale smoothies but haven’t made any yet without a banana. I am starting this week with no fruits. Wish me luck! Good luck to you all. Thanks for the posts and Brittany for the great recipes!


Heather August 17, 2012 at 3:15 pm

Can you recommend probiotics?


Tresia October 14, 2012 at 6:33 pm

Brittany, I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos but not candida. I have just found your site and am learning lots. You are right about having lots of information out there. It is sad that a person can’t go to a doctor and find this stuff out. And it has been more error than trial. I used to be the person who could eat anything, not gain weight, and didn’t have problems. Then I hit menopause and now I am all mixed up inside.


Suzanne December 6, 2012 at 1:43 am

Just wondering if there is a reason you don’t put spinach? I hear spinach is the one thing not to miss in a green smoothy. But again that might be a food you avoid so just curious. Thanks


Brittany December 6, 2012 at 1:56 am

Because my juicer doesn’t process greens well. I really didn’t get juice from them. I put spinach in my smoothies instead.


Christina December 7, 2012 at 7:25 pm


Thank you for taking all the time to write this for us.

May I ask how you were diagnosed with candida? There are blood, urine, hair, spit, etc. tests and not sure. Each one says theirs is the best method??? Thank you!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 7:44 pm

Well.. In my case it was so bad that it was visually easy to see it.
(I had thrush, it was in my stool, urine and I had EVERY symptom in the books). My doctor didn’t even need to do a test..


amy December 18, 2012 at 8:06 pm

anybody have some ideas about what I can substitue for cucumber? long story cucumber is on my list of ‘do not eats’ from doctor/accupunturist/nutritionist. . . . my GP prescribed Nystatin and i had no idea it had sugar — thank u Brittany for telling me. i am struggling so much right now with elimination of sugar, its so much harder than i ever thought. i’m trying, but i’ve already fallen off the wagon a few times.


Brittany December 18, 2012 at 9:13 pm

Try zucchini instead! :) I use that sometimes


B January 5, 2013 at 12:45 am

Thank you so much for this post! At the tail end of 2011 I found out I can’t have gluten. Over the past year I have also found I can’t have soy, diary, or peanuts, so I cut them out thinking I would be better, but the stomach problems still persisted, especially when I ate anything with sugar. Even carrots. First I thought it was a fructose/sucrose allergy, but now I suspect Candida (along with other possible allergies/intolerances), but nobody here seems to know much about it. I really do think I have had Candida for most of my life. Though I don’t have every symptom I do have quite a few.

I know you said you didn’t even need to be tested, but how could your doctor tell just by looking? Is this something most doctors can identify or did you have to see a specialist? Would you recommend getting an “official” diagnosis? I’m just afraid to start such a radical diet without a diagnosis in case I am barking up the wrong tree:/


Lisa Magel January 30, 2013 at 9:21 am

Hi B – just wanted to comment on your post here, and sorry Brittany for interjecting…. Take the time to look at the website
I had also had heaps of intolerances, went on strict diats, avoided everything I should, and it didn’t get better. It took every test in the book (where they ruled out candida with me) but after various MRI’s scopes etc…. they said – go home you’re fine. It wasn’t until last year that an Australian Dr. finally did a stool test and diagnosed me with these two wonderful parasites. These parasites will NEVER go away on their own. I’m using several plant based supplements to manage them, and my quality of life has improved tenfold. However, about once a month if I go astray with my strict nutritional regime, it rears it’s ugly head!!! The only true Dr’s that have understood this to date are Dr’s at the Center for digestive disease in Sydney. Brilliant Internist, who is actually diganosing and helping people and Dr’s worldwide to understand how to help people. Mind you – where 3 yrs. of testing had missed this! This may not be your ailment, however it is always worth getting a simple stool test done (infos on the above noted web site re. test – where and what to look for), and find out. It’s worth checking for Candida, they can do this over urine and stool quite effectively, and will often do those plus blood. Find the answers and it will help set you on the right path. The worst is not knowing & feeling alone. You are NOT alone, trust me!
Best wishes!


Gina April 14, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for posting this. My 8 year old son swallowed lake water when he was 2 years old and started having horrible stomach pains and problems. He went through all types of tests and they found nothing. They sent me home and said don’t let him have anything with high fructose corn syrup. I kept telling them I think it’s a parasite….no one would listen. I started giving him a strong probiotic and it has helped some. I will be checking out this website as it has been my gut feeling it is some type of a bug. Thanks again,


sona August 7, 2013 at 4:18 am

Hi Lisa,
Which Dr was it that’s treating you? Do they also treat for Leaky Gut? Was it costly?


Annette January 7, 2013 at 7:05 pm

Is shredded, unsweetened coconut okay for the beginning stages of fighting off Candida? Thank you for sharing your experiences. I feel better just knowing that someone has been able to fight this. It gives me hope. Would you maybe consider sharing what a day of eating looked like for you in the beginning stages of your anti-candida diet? Just trying to figure out how to eat this way. Thank you!


Brittany January 7, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Yep Coconut is very safe!!


Desi January 12, 2013 at 7:00 pm

How long did it take you to overcome candida and when did you return to a more balanced and varied diet?


Brittany January 12, 2013 at 8:37 pm

Each persons timing will be different. It all depends on the strength of your immune system and how serious your infection is.
I’ve been battling for a solid year now and just am now am able to eat foods with some starch in moderation.


Heather January 23, 2013 at 3:42 pm

Is it important to juice the veggies or can I process them in my vitamix? I don’t have a juicer and would love to start this regimen. Thank you so much for all you do to educated and encourage us!


Jaye January 29, 2013 at 7:06 am

I have the same question ^^^ have you ever made this in the VitaMix?


Ann February 5, 2013 at 12:24 am

Do you recommend a specific brand of probiotic?


K February 6, 2013 at 8:38 pm

I recentally discovered I had candida. Even eating the gluten free carbs make my nerves ache and I feel sick, so I will have to go paleo like you said, as well as avoid fruits…at least at first. I have some questions though…
You say to avoid vinegar other than cider vinegar, but lemon juice and lime juice are okay? What’s the difference? How does the vinegar affect it, and why doesn’t the lemon and lime have the same effect, especially since they are fruit?

Also, you include stevia in your drink, but isn’t that a sweetner, so how does that work?

What are the kind of starchy vegetables to avoid, is it mostly just potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and corn, or is there other vegetables to avoid?

Sorry, I’m pretty new to this. Thank you so much for posting this and for all of your help!! You are a lifesaver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


K February 6, 2013 at 11:19 pm

One more question I just thought of…..would mushrooms be off limits? I just realized that since they are a fungus maybe that wouldn’t be a good idea to eat them in an anti-fungal diet, or would they be okay because it is a different kind of fungus.


Kacey Bostrom February 13, 2013 at 12:21 am

I am wondering if I can just put all of that in my blender as I don’t have a juicer. Do you think that will work or just be too thick?
Thank you,


Holly February 13, 2013 at 12:39 am

I tried an approximation of this recipe today and really enjoyed it! I felt like I was doing something healthy for my body and tasty at the same time :-) Thanks so much for the help and hope you give those of us in similar boats!


Guy Blume February 24, 2013 at 7:34 pm

Hi Brittany,
My friend told me about your website after I shared my Alcat Test experience on my Facebook page. After deteriorating health I was left hopeless after seeing multiple health practitioners. Then I took a leap of faith, paid $900 for the Alcat blood test which measures what foods I have a high, medium and low tolerance for. I discovered that I need a gluten sugar free diet for the most part and need to eliminate all forms of potatoes entirely. This would explain why the paleo diet and juicing made me feel the best in the past. I didn’t figure it out until the Alcat test. Looking at your diet recommendations it’s clear to me that I’m on the right track. Thank you for sharing your experience and here’s to your good health. All my best, Guy Blume, Alameda, CA


Natalie March 17, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Do you have a “group” page…so I can find you easily-
or send a newsletter?
You are awesome!


Brittany March 17, 2013 at 4:13 pm

If you subscribe by email- upper right hand corner of the site ( you just enter your email address) then you will receive a short email with a picture of my recipes as they posted.

Thanks for your kind words :)


Monica hocking March 26, 2013 at 2:01 am

Hi I’ve been diagnosed with candida and leaky gut-but figured it out on own a while ago. I’m a vegetarian and now only eat fish egg and low carb veggies. I’m still having problems though and wondering when this die off will end. Some days I cry for days at a time and can’t move I’m so exhausted, some days my muscles ache and u get adrenal fatigue, some days I feel a bladder infection but never really comes. I feel like each day is different. Am I in the right direction? Am I killing this thing? Also, I’ve just recently started juicing and love it! I feel better after drinking juice than I do after eating food. Does anyone know if a good liquid way to get my protein in? I’ve been told protein is a huge deal for me but I’m not sure if fish is too hard for me to digest. Thank you so much!


Brittany March 26, 2013 at 2:21 am

Keep at it! You sound exactly like I did!! Like exactly, literally. Within a few months I got past that phase.
Have you tried coffee enemas? They will help speed up the detoxing big time and help your adrenals.

Keep fighting. You’re going to feel so much better soon!!! Xx


Monica hocking March 26, 2013 at 6:46 pm

Thank you so much Brittany;) I will look up the coffee enema to speed this up. I started a new dr yesterday who is amazing-she has already given me great probiotic and l-glutamine mix to heal the gut. She then went to put me on iv but I got severe cranks and had to stop. That worries me;( I will say today is the first day in months that I’ve woken up and felt ok! I began juicing yesterday and taking what she gave me. Not sure what helped but I haven’t cried or had any reactions today-I’m amazed! Going to keep juicing for a while and see if this helps. Thank you so much for the kind words I’ve had such a tough time with this;) next my dr is putting me on a detox and they found heavy metals in my system. How long do you think is good to juice? Do you think carrots and beets are ok or too high in sugar? Thank you so much;)


Brittany March 26, 2013 at 6:54 pm

I juiced every day for like 6 months!
I avoided anything with sugar and just stuck to green veggies- cucumber, lettuce, celery, zucchini, parsley and then I added lemon or lime juice and stevia. The green juice helps flush out the toxins- it always made me feel instantly better!


Brittany March 26, 2013 at 3:13 am

Ps. That bladder infection sensation is the worst. But that will go away. It’s just the yeast pushing through. I got both that and this burning, irritated sensation in my intestines. I took extra magnesium as needed to push it all through. Not fun! Before you know it this will be a distant memory!


Denise April 13, 2013 at 12:30 am

I’m wondering the same as some others on here if using a vitamix would work instead of dropping another hefty penny on a juicer?


Brittany April 13, 2013 at 12:35 am

The vitamix is very different than a juicer. BUT I do have a detox green smoothie that is great for candida that you might like to try:


Gloria B April 14, 2013 at 12:26 pm

Hi Brittany,
I would love to get your personal input on something. I see that you recommend drinking lots of green juices. I have found that I am really enjoying this daily as well. I have read a lot about some of the green used in green juices (especially kale and spinach) being goitrogens, which can suppress thyroid function when consumed raw. I hate to give up the nutritional benefits of my green juices and I am wondering if just adjusting thyroid supplementation as needed to accommodate for the goitrogens seems reasonable, in your opinion. I guess consistency is still important so that thyroid levels do not start fluctuating all over the place, and consulting with a medical professional who is aware of goitrogens and thyroid issues would be important. But I know some people who avoid goitrogens because they have hypoT. I am thinking it is about finding a balance and paying close attention to the juices on your body. What do you think??


Trish October 16, 2013 at 1:43 pm

I read a lot on this.

The recommendation I’ve come across is to lightly steam spinach and kale before eating them with meals, and to do the same if adding them to a smoothie. I have no idea if you can juice steamed kale and spinach in a juicer, but you could blend the steamed kale and spinach in a blender or Vitamix and then add them to your green juice ingredients you made with your juicer.

The other recommendation is to eat sea vegetables as snacks or sprinkled on foods. Kelp flakes and dulse are two such products. Or take Kelp supplements Do a search on sea vegetables or kelp and thyroid to get an idea of recommended amounts.

You could also rotate spinach and kale and limit them to once every four days. Day one, day five, day nine, etc. All other days utilize a variety of different lettuces.


Meera April 15, 2013 at 4:44 am

This is so helpful. It’s so overwhelming, when I see how others are struggling like me to ward off these monsters from our body. I would like to know which probiotics do you use and where can I get them?


janice April 16, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Diflucan contains fluoride. I think this is still not a good medication for anyone for any reason. What have you found out about diflucan that might change my mind? Your information has been life changing and most welcome. Thank you for your help.



Felecia April 24, 2013 at 1:03 am

I have the most basic of questions! I don’t juice yet, and would like to know what brand of juicer you would recommend I purchase for making your Lime Green Juice? (I own only a blender and food processor). Three of us in our family have yeast problems, and I want to make these every day this summer for us. Also, do you strain the pulp and fibers out of the juice, or does a good enough juicer get it all mulched so well that you can drink it all? And do you put the cucumber seeds in, or chop them out first? Thanks so much!


Maria April 24, 2013 at 12:26 pm

This information has been helpful. I’ve been suffering with all the symptoms mentioned and bad breath for years. I can’t wait to try the green drink as soon as possible. It’s been difficult to go with out sugar. The symptoms have effective my ability to live a normal life. Thank you for your post!!!


Heather Kealamakia May 20, 2013 at 5:02 pm

How do you really know when you have conquered the yeast overgrowth? Is there a test to take to show you have the yeast overgrowth to compare later to see if things have improved? Also, is taking a prescription anti-fungal a must, and if so, which one? I did the anti-candida diet once before, and the die-off was awful!!! SO tired and weak! Is there anything you have found that helps with this, like infared saunas or clay baths?


Brooke June 23, 2013 at 5:53 pm

I’ve been suffering candida related symptoms for years now. With a few recurrent vaginal yeast infections over the last few months, I am finally done. I am dizzy, have headaches, nausea, endless fatigue, dry itchy skin, acid reflux, sinus problems, etc etc. I haven’t talked to anyone yet who believes me though. How does one show a doctor reason for extended antifungals? If I’m not able to obtain a prescription, what natural means are strong enough to conquer a lengthy candida infection like this?


Trish October 16, 2013 at 2:33 pm

You need an MD with an integrative heath practice. Or a chiropractor that also deals with digestive health, else a Naturopath, etc. who can work with your MD if you prefer prescription antifungals. There are anti fungal supplements that are non prescription as well.

From what I understand from researching, yeast and parasites, mold even, can get starved out of the body if you don’t specifically feed them. No sugars, grains, processed foods, etc. Look into all of the anti candida diets.

Eating no wheat/gluten, zero grains, no sugar, no eggs, no dairy, is what is helping me not create new disease or furthering existing issues. I tried Paleo, but lost weight quickly and that coupled with adding good healthy fats kicked off gallbladder issues. So I removed fats. Added bone broths. I do a modified Paleo Diet and Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). Very little nuts per week. Green juices, steamed veggies, a little animal protein. I recently added bean soups for energy. (Though it may be increasing energy I do wonder if it also feeds candida issues. Itchy ears is a symptom for me. I used to get ear infections, urinary tract infections, stomach infections, throat infections, sinus, and vag yeast infections. I was on antibiotics at least two times a year!). I now chew food extremely well. Properly food combine. Use digestive enzymes. Probiotics. Vitamins that blood tests show I’m low on (apparently typical for Celiacs). On occasion I take Formula SF722 by Thorne Research when I feel a symptom tweak. But starving the Candida by diet seems to be a strong and continual line of defense. Some say diet alone can’t help, hmm, okay, and I agree that a prescription and/or a supplement anti fungal in combination with diet is good too.

My stomach is healing. I can feel my hormones starting to become a bit more balanced.

FYI, The next step for me is furthering my research into liver/gallbladder detox.


TR June 28, 2013 at 10:40 pm

Do you juice your veggies or smoothie them? Blender or Juicer? And then which machines have you seen to work best?
Personally, the idea of blending for smoothies seems “best” as I want all the parts, pulp and all, of that veggie to be digested. Juicers take that stuff out. But then, is there even a blender strong enough to take a cucumber and turn it into more liquid then solid? AND THEN, why are so many blenders made of plastic?!?! I want stainless steel, glass, strong, larger capacity, easy cleaned (no dishwasher) and user friendly. I guess that is too much to ask of the designers and producers of machines.
Thanks for your time.


Trish October 16, 2013 at 2:38 pm

Breville juicers are good. Perfect liquid from solid veggies. Any juicer, even cheap, will do the trick. You can read forever as to why the more pricier juicers are healthier. Get one on sale during a major appliance weekend sale. If you can, spend about $100 to $200. But a $50 juicer still makes juice!


Amber July 17, 2013 at 12:42 am

Probiotics are essential for our body because they help in synthesizing certain fatty acids and vitamins in the body to support a healthy body and strong immune system.
Even though all cells in the body are capable of producing
glutathione, medical studies have shown that the production of
glutathione by the liver is critical. Up until a few years ago,
only the people of Southeast Asia knew of the miraculous nature of this fruit.


Julie August 16, 2013 at 10:23 pm

Thanks for this wonderful recipe! I have been diagnosed with candida and gluten intolerance. Such fun. Just wondering how many celery stalks would equal half a bag for the Lime Green Juice? Also, so thankful to find your site. Your recipes look delicious! Blessings.


Danette October 20, 2013 at 7:54 pm

Hi Brittany,

I’ve been following your blog for a couple months now… I LOVE your recipes and it has been super informative as I try to go paleo. I was wondering, when you say you’re in remission, do you mean your thyroid antibodies are back to normal or are your symptoms diminished to the point that you feel normal?

Thanks for sharing so many helpful tips and recipes!


Brittany October 20, 2013 at 8:05 pm

Basically my antibody count came down so I’m not suffering from constant inflammation and autoimmune attacks. If I eat gluten, eggs, coconut or quinoa ( my sensitivities) then my immune system revs up and I’ll have an attack for 24-48 hrs. But then it chills out and I go back to feeling good.
I still however need a low level of thyroid meds every day no matter what!


Danette October 21, 2013 at 2:13 pm

Thanks! I was just curious. I know everyone is different but when I read about your experience I feel like our symptoms and some reactions are very similar…. so it makes me even more curious. It’s odd but it helps me to know that I’m not crazy :) Thanks!!


M November 3, 2013 at 2:48 pm

Hey, just wondering what nuts you were using? Are almonds ok? Sorry if this is a stupid question but why would you soak them?

I’m new to this and any help would be much appreciated!


Brittany July 8, 2012 at 12:02 pm

Good for you!! Good luck :)


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