How I kicked my Autoimmune Disease into Remission.

by Brittany on December 5, 2012

Post image for How I kicked my Autoimmune Disease into Remission.

Its been a LONG Journey. almost 3  solid years of chronic pain. Today, I am living virtually pain free.  I decided to share my story to give you hope- because you CAN get better too.. I don’t care what your health circumstances.

In the winter of 2009 at the age of 25 I became pregnant. It was a surprise, but we were overjoyed. With that pregnancy came HORRIBLE morning sickness. Or so that’s what I thought. In reality I was having severe sinus issues and my digestion became a complete mess. Headaches, nausea from post nasal drip, headaches. Each day was a struggle. Then, just as I entered the second trimester I miscarried. My health from that point on was never the same.

Months after the pregnancy my digestion continued to be off balance. One morning 6 months after the miscarriage I woke up with a stabbing pain in my right side.. as if someone was jabbing a pencil into me, over and over. That began the serious quest to get better.

Doctor after doctor after doctor. No one knew what was wrong. I tested negative for celiac and my health looked perfect on every other front according to bloodtests. . I suspected hypothyroidism as it runs in my family. But my doctors refused to treat me for that.  Finally after seeing my 2nd gastroenterologist I was told my gallbladder was acting up. I did not have gallstones, but yet it was over- working and causing me the cramping and stabbing sensation. It took 7 months to get that diagnosis. During that time frame my digestion literally came to a hault. I became dependent on laxatives and fiber, which barely worked.

My gallbladder was removed, with the promise that my health would return to a perfect state thereafter. What they found during surgery.. was an extremely inflamed organ.  I thought my struggles were over.. little did I know they had just began!

The stabbing pain went away, but my digestion worsened. Again I went on the circuit to find a doctor to figure me out. During this time I was in and out of the emergency room with heartburn so severe I was afraid to eat. I was exhausted, cold, my hair was falling out, my face and eyelids always puffy, I had muscle and joint pain so severe it was impossible to get out of bed some days. I was falling apart and no one could tell me why.

Finally, I struck gold. Doctor number 13 had my answer. Hypothyroidism- coupled with Hashimoto’s disease. I sobbed tears of joy in the doctors office that day. She could have given me any diagnosis and I would have rejoiced. I had an answer! With that answer I knew that if I worked hard enough I would get better. And that is just what I did.

Due to the fact that I went undiagnosed for so long, my health issues had grown and spiraled into a much more complicated place that I had ever imagined. And I must note that after doctor #13.. I have since seen 3 more to really dig through all of the elements of my health crisis.

In additional to Hashimoto’s I had: 

-  Severe Adrenal Fatigue

- A severe Candida Infection that had become systemic

- A leaky gut

- Metabolic Syndrome (I was borderline diabetic).

I began my healing  journey. Its been a process! I wanted to share the many things that really made a difference for me:

  • Going gluten and dairy free was my starting point. Eventually I moved to a grain free, low carb, sugar free diet.. that was the icing on the cake that really got me moving in the right direction.  After about a year on this diet, I started feeling like  a new person!
  • In conjunction with the last tip- An elimination diet is essential. Its extremely extremely important to learn what foods cause problems for you, and which one are non-problematic. This will make or break your recovery. Many ask me what the perfect healing diet it. This diet will differ person to person. Only you will be able to figure out what your perfect eating plan is through trial and error.
  • Making sure ALL of my vitamin needs are always met. With Hashimotos disease Iodine can be problematic- I took this multivitamin from Thorne.
  • When receiving my diagnosis I was low in Vitamin D. This is common.. make sure to get your D up to perfect level.
  • Taking fish oil! Balancing your omega 3′s and 6′s can make or break you when you are in a fragile inflammitory state.
  • Taking HIGH levels of probiotics. I’m talking 100′s of millions of thousands. I don’t play around with this. With candida, and gut issues which are all too common with various autoimmune diseases probiotics are one of the MOST important things to incorporate. It is important to take probiotics seperate from your other supplements so that they are most effective. I start each morning with a hefty dose of probiotics with a tall glass of water and wait 30 minutes- 1 hour before I eat or take anything else.
  • Drinking TONS of freshly made green vegetable juice. It will help you detox and reduce inflammation.  You can get my recipe here.
  • Minimizing my stress levels and meditating when I feel overwhelmed.
  • Sleeping! I always, always get a solid 8 hours of sleep a night. Without this I start feeling crummy.
  • In my case a dosage of armour thyroid was needed- I will probably remain on this medication forever, and I have no problem with that. Some people are able to wean off of thyroid medication if their thyroid has not become too damaged- I most likely will not be on of those individuals. Thyroid medication is harmless- there are no longterm health risks. Popping a pill every morning is something I am more than happy to do!
  • I took L-Glutamine to assist in healing my leaky gut.
  • I took a product called Glutithione Recycler . It supports the immune system and for many people acts almost like a bullet proof vest helping to decrease autoimmune attacks. I no longer seem to need this product- but it helped during my sickest period!
  • For about 6 months on a weekly basis I went in for accupuncture. This helped balance my adrenals which made a huge different in my energy levels day to day. Money was tight, so I found a community acupuncture. This concept is growing- and you might be able to find one in your area. I paid only $15 per visit.
  • Be cautious when trying new supplements. Try only one a a time per day as you never know if one may throw you off. For example: when you have an autoimmune disease its possible that the herbal supplements for adrenal fatigue could make you feel 100 times worse.

To deal specifically with the candida I have followed a careful protocol. I believe the years of slow digestion is what caused the candida to take over my digestive tract in turn causing the leaky gut- and then my food intolerances. This portion of the process has taken the longest to heal. I probably have at least another year of following this regimen.

  • First its important to know that “die off” is a very real thing. You may get much worse before you start to feel better. This period of detoxing can be difficult. During my first heavy die of period I become very depressed, emotional, and felt like I had the flu every day for almost 2 months straight. It was difficult- but also the most important thing I pushed myself through. I’m still dealing with low level die off symptoms. Sometimes you have to be patient and be willing to deal with a little discomfort for your long term health.
  • I learned that my adrenal fatigue, and blood sugar issues were directly related to the candida. As my candida started to get better under control those two issues began to dissipate.
  • Following a low carb, sugar free diet has been essential  for this department. I still adhere to this diet.
  • I take a series of herbal antifungals. The best product I have tried (and I tried many) is GI Synergy . It does a remarkable job of cleaning out the candida from the digestive tract.
  • Again, the probiotics.
  • I discovered a product called Biofilm Defense and it made a  HUGE difference in my treatment. Yeast has the ability to build up walls that prevent antifungals from getting in. The biofilm sweeps in and digests those walls which will make your other antifungals far more effective!  Without this product I would not have made any progress.
  • I take prescription antifungals. I go back and fourth between Nystatin and Diflucan. Whenever I take Nystatin I have it made by a compounding pharmacy as otherwise it contains sugar (seriously!!). If you have to go this route, call around to get quotes from various compounding pharmacies around the country as some will fill this script much cheaper than others.
  • The latest treatment I started is through a doctor in NYC. Its called sublingual immunotherapy  and it is used to build up the immune system. My doctor explained to me that in my case, the antifungals are only acting as a band-aid. That my immune system is functioning at a very low level. The sublingual immunotherapy treatment little by little is rebuilding my immune system so that it eventually will be strong enough to keep the candida in check all on its own without the help of antifungals. We all have candida- the difference is that those with a healthy immune system do not experience overgrowth in extreme ways as I have.
  • I recently learned that if your thyroid hormone balance is off, specifically your T3 then its possible for your immune system to become sluggish which will allow for Candida and other infections to get out of control.

The bulk of our immune systems are in our guts! If there’s a problem in the gut- your autoimmune disease can become crippling. My story is one of Hashimoto’s- but these same results can be achieved with all of the autoimmune diseases. I have had friends reverse their MS and begin walking again. Friends that have put their lupus into remission.. I could go on.  

During this process I have:

  • Almost fully healed my leaky gut.  I can tell this has happened as I continue to gain foods back that once made me sick. In the past few months I have been able to eat Goat and Sheep Dairy and all of the various nuts and seeds. Both of those food groups were problematic for a long time! I’m also able now to eat out safely without worrying I will  react to every little thing that I order.
  • I am free of  chronic autoimmune attacks! I no longer suffer from daily joint pain. exhaustion and fatigue.
  • My digestion is perfect! No more heartburn or constipation.
  • My energy levels are great- and I no longer suffer from brain fog.
  • My weight is perfect! I no longer have to worry about gaining weight easily.
  • My adrenals are 90% healed. Unless I binge on a bunch of coffee and chocolate- I  have a great steady supply of energy all day and sleep like a baby at night.
  • No more blood sugar surges and drops. (These surges were once making my autoimmune attacks much worse!)
  • I will FOREVER remain gluten free and avoid foods that my body isn’t fond of. I am in this state of remission only due to my dedication to a careful diet. If I started eating gluten all of my health issues would return.

I need you to understand that you will get better, if you do one thing:


If your doctor doesn’t seem to be helping you- find a new one. You must always be open to trial and error. You must be willing to give up favorite foods for a period of time to allow your body to heal. You’ll probably have to make financial sacrifices, you’ll have to buy quality food and learn to cook for yourself. On days when you feel terribly sick you might have to drag yourself out of bed to prepare HEALTHY food rather than ordering takeout.  You must be willing to do whatever it takes to get better. If you take on that attitude  YOU WILL GET BETTER.  I am living proof.  And in the end when you get through this you will be a stronger, happier more beautiful person than you ever thought possible. 



Ps. A few resources for you:

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{ 104 comments… read them below or add one }

Brigitte December 5, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Thanks for posting this! My digestion is becoming increasingly sluggish and I’ve been on a mission to figure out what is wrong with me, which I think is similar to yours in terms of the leaky gut and candida issue. I started an anti-fungal protocol but it made me SO sick that I had to stop, so it’s good to know that you just have to plow through and deal with it, and that it WILL get better. I’ve been getting a bit discouraged because I am not getting better despite making efforts, but it’s great to know that healing takes time and that with persistence and diligence it IS possible to get better.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:11 am

Oh yeah.. Candida can cause constipation in the worst way!! Don’t be surprised if you experience it even more during die off. I take Magnesium Citrate capsules from Natural Factors as needed. It helps relieve constipation better than anything I have EVER tried before. I up my dose during heavy periods of die off!


Stephanie December 5, 2012 at 7:21 pm

Thank you for sharing your story, it is very inspirational. I have a similar history and have been researching different protocols to heal my leaky gut. Did you follow any specific diet (scd or gaps)? I have been trying so many different things, get better for a bit, then have More issues. Any guidance you can give in regards to starting out would be great. So much information is out there and it is a bit overwhelming. Dd you follow certain protocols or websites?

Side note: Love your website, thanks for all your hard work! I have become addicted to your cranberry cake. I make it into muffin tops, freeze and its my little treat. Cranberry orange is mu favorite, but its also great with frozen blueberries and lemon zest.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:14 am

I followed this basic outline :

However, I must note that the MOST important thing you do is learn to listen to your body. If you remove foods that are not a problem- then you are not doing yourself a favor. The best thing you can do is try an elimination diet to figure out what foods make you feel good (or at least not sick) and use that as your guide. And giving up sugar.. well that benefits everyone!


pat December 5, 2012 at 7:22 pm

Thank you for posting this, Brittany! I’ve been struggling with some of the issues you’ve battled…not for as long, and it’s not as severe! But I think things started going downhill fast after I had my appendix and gallbladder removed in 2010.

I’m still working on adrenal/gut issues/food intolerances with my naturopath. I’m booking a thyroid test soon. I’m curious: what probiotics are you taking? I’m mixing up some from Solgar and Jarrow and eating a little bit of sauerkraut here and there. Not too much: it makes me ITCH.

Thank you for all you do, and thank you for your persistence! There have been many times where I wanted to give up. I know I can’t.

(Psssssssst – more egg-free/grain-free/dairy-free recipes please!!! I really and truly miss eggs the most, I think. I don’t care for wheat, but EGGS! UGH!)

Lurking and admiring from Toronto, Canada
pat :)


Amy December 5, 2012 at 7:23 pm

Thanks for sharing :) This is my story EXACTLY, minus the removed gall bladder! If you would like to email me I would like to hear how this has also affected your endocrine system/other hormones if at all.


Ricki December 5, 2012 at 7:24 pm

So happy for you, Brittany! I know all too well how difficult it can be to give up those favorite foods and stick with it. But like you, I know that persistence is key. And then being even more persistent once you feel better. Enjoy every moment–you have certainly worked hard enough for it! :)


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:15 am

You, if anyone understand how much careful dedication it takes with this candida chaos! Lucky to have you as a friend! xx


Jerrit December 5, 2012 at 7:57 pm

Thanks! All your post have been very helpful in trying to figure out how to deal with the problem and CONGRATULATIONS on your remission! :)


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:15 am

I’m so glad! I always believed the more I went through- the more I could be understanding and helpful to others. These health issues are become way too common!


Rowan December 5, 2012 at 7:58 pm

Like others have said, thank you for sharing. I have been fighting Chronic Lyme Disease for several years now, after a long period of dealing with it undiagnosed, and have many similar symptoms. It is an enormous time and energy commitment to make so many lifestyle changes and try to figure out all the little pieces of the puzzle. I appreciate hearing your tips on what worked for you and will likely be adapting some of them for my own situation.

Great job on finding your way back to health!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:16 am

Best of luck to you! Hoping for a quick healing journey! xx


Kristen December 8, 2012 at 5:11 pm

As I read this, Rowan, the symptoms do sound so much like chronic lyme. I have a 13 year old that has been battling lyme for years. Thank you for all of the suggestions and recipes Brittany! It sure is a life style change to change our diets so drastically, but it really seems to be helping with the stomach issues with my son. We have been gluten, dairy, soy and sugar free for almost a year now. It is so nice to hear that you are healed!


Kate December 5, 2012 at 8:00 pm

I just found your webpage and am thrilled. You are a brave and strong woman and your story of healing is inspirational to say the least. I had the opposite of you – Grave’s Disease – and I too healed myself with acupuncture, diet changes and vitamins as well as Chinese herbs. I look forward to following your journey (and enjoying your recipes!). Thank you for your contribution to good health.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:17 am

AH Graves! Not fun. You clearly are equally strong!! Cheers to you for overcoming your disease! xx


Jennifer B. December 5, 2012 at 8:16 pm

Thank you SO much! Our journeys are very similar and while I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, it is helpful to know I am not alone and I am not crazy. You are farther along than me and I’m going to look into some of the links you shared. I see a wonderful doctor in Lawrenceberg, Indiana who practices integrative medicine if anyone is looking for someone. His name is Marcus Cobb and he has a radio show you can listen to online.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:18 am

It takes a strong person to get through this kind of thing! Hope you recover quickly!! xx


Barbara December 5, 2012 at 8:21 pm

I tried to “like” and comment on Facebook but it wouldn’t let me. First of all, congratulations for finally finding a doctor that is helping you and for listening to your body and making dietary changes to help you heal. Did you ever get tested for any of the MTHFR gene mutations ? If you have MTHFR then your dietary changes would have helped you. I cannot tell about your supplements but if you have MTHFR you must stay away from synthetic vitamins such as Folic Acid , etc. The major reason I ask about MTHFR for you is because it might be a key and one of the reasons as to why you lost your baby.


thehealthyapple December 5, 2012 at 8:36 pm

I love you and am so proud of you. So lucky to have you as a best friend. xxxoo Together we will continue to heal ourselves!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:18 am

Love you!!! We have come a LONG LONG LONG Way!!! Yay us!


Courtney S December 5, 2012 at 9:54 pm

thanks for posting and sharing….i somehow found you ‘by mistake’ but i am so glad i have! within 20 minutes of eating i bloat and gas up and am in so much pain….the blanket diagnosis of IBS isnt cutting it. i also have numerous ‘allergies’ and things that i cannot eat because of the sever discomfort….i have lost all my energy and no longer feel like i can work out (which i used to enjoy)….i am tired all the time, and i could go on!!! so long story short, because of you and your struggles, i have made an appointment with a naturopathic physican here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and i hope that this is the first step towards full health.
thank you for your delicious recipes and for ‘being there’ lol


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:20 am

Oh my goodness you sound JUST like I did. I walked around with that STUPID IBS diagnosis for too long. Ugh. I cringe thinking about it. Sounds like its time for you to start kicking hard to figure out whats going on.. you deserve to feel better each day! We all do.
Sending the best wishes your way- hope your find your answers quickly.


Virginia December 5, 2012 at 9:56 pm

Wow, it is so comforting to read about someone on the other side. I too have struggled with similar symptoms (though my inflammation is of the skin not joints) for 3 yrs since the birth of my last child. Right now I can eat 5 things with minimal inflammation. I hope to be able to try some of your awesome recipes some day myself, as I am on the path to healing. I have done a lot of what you have, but some things I haven’t. Thanks for sharing!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:24 am

I was at that same exact place with the whole inflammation RIGHT after eating. I’m assuming you must have leaky gut and very possibly candida, a parasite or bacterial thing going on. I would find a doctor to check into that. That is usually the case for those of us with these hyper reactions to a million different foods. I was down to like 7 vegetables and 3 kinds of meat for a few months.. not only did I feel like crap but I was SO sad and just felt dead inside because I no longer enjoyed eating. Not a fun time..

As long as your figure this out- your stomach can and will heal and in time you’ll be able to eat more like a normal human being! Keep plugging away! xx


JEnnifer in PA December 5, 2012 at 10:01 pm

Found your post really interesting. Funny I shared my 14 year old daughters story on my blog today as well although her health never got as bad as what you went through. But she could have had things continued on into her twenties. You are inspiring.
Jennifer in PA


Karen December 5, 2012 at 10:12 pm

Two questions: 1.) What brand of probiotics are are you taking? I need them to be gfcfsf and it is hard to find them. I have two kinds but my doc would like me to find a third so I can rotate them. 2.) What brand of glutathione are you taking? I tried the liposomal glutathione and had a horrible reaction. Oh, and a third, my doc took me off L Glutamine as it can cause issues with GABA? Does that make sense to you? I’m 18 months into treating Chronic Lyme and it is an uphill battle.


Roseann December 5, 2012 at 10:15 pm

I think your path has made you psychic!
I was researching this very subject today and was hoping to find some info on your site…lo and behold! I have been though the gamut of gall bladder surgery,thyroidectomy, gut issues, chronic fatigue, etc. and this months malady a t3 of 78! To say the least…I am a bit off-balance. Thanks so much for the encouragement, because as discouraging as this journey can be, I need all the help I can get!
You are a gem!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:24 am

Thats crazy!! :) Glad I was able to provide what you needed!! xx


Shirl December 5, 2012 at 10:46 pm

Just read this story and it is so close to “me” that I must comment, which I never do… anywhere. I am hypothyroid , proven by labs, and all compounded (and regular) meds give me vertigo . I feel I would beat so many of these symptoms finally if I could just take the meds & speed up my digestion….I am free of so much (food) at this point and would just like to get rid of the lump in my throat permanently.(GERD) Did u ever have that? I was and am mercury poisoned by amalgams. Have had all amalgams removed a year ago, cannot touch fish or tannins in addition to corn, soy, dairy, eggs, gluten, yeast, mushrooms, and am trying to stay goitrogen free also. Your recipes give me hope for some enjoyment. But would just like to finally be rid of the lump feeling in my throat. I have gotten over many things but new things pop up. Has anyone gotten over the lump without Armour or meds? Some days it is gone and I am so thankful but it always returns.


Laurel December 6, 2012 at 4:00 pm

Shirl – Are you saying the lump in your throat is caused by GERD? Have you been checked for a goiter? I have Hashimoto’s and a big ole goiter. The swelling of the goiter is very annoying and causes a lump in the throat. I nearly had it removed, but I’d rather keep all of my organs and glands if possible. However, when it wakes up and starts choking me again I seriously think of calling the surgeon.

If I take Armour then the goiter swelling gets worse… not better. And worse whenever I change iodine/not iodine/type of iodine.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:25 am

I agree with Laurel- It sounds like you might have hashimotos!
And Gerd yes- I had all the symptoms of it before I gave up dairy!


Shirl December 7, 2012 at 6:41 pm

I gave up dairy & eggs 3 weeks ago because lab tests showed I had egg and dairy sensitivity. I have been gluten free for 3 months. The lump came last Feb….during mercury detox……the lump(pressure too) goes away sometimes for 3 days and then returns. Do goiters go away for longer times? Drs. say it’s GERD but all those GERD meds. made it worse. I was told by a naturopath that it did not matter, Hashimoto’s and hypothyroid would be dealt with the same. Either way I cannot tolerate the thyroid meds. , the vertigo makes me live on the couch. Has anyone had thyroid meds. cause vertigo? I was thinking that my digestion is so slow from hypothyroid condition that this is acid reflux from a damaged LES valve. I had candida in mouth but maybe it is causing lump even though gone in my mouth. I don’t feel like the dairy or egg free diet has changed a thing yet. Gluten-free diet did take away a lot of pain in 3 days. I have been to so many specialists, Drs.,homeopath,naturopath, integrated Dr. and they really come up with nothing. It is not Lyme either. I really thought giving up on all these foods would help more. I will never eat gluten again though. Shocking how much pain leaves one’s body upon giving it up.


Hannah March 5, 2013 at 4:30 am

Yes! Goiters can flux like that. Have your thyroid antibodies been checked yet? I almost had my thyroid removed about 10 years ago because on Armour, it became so enlarged it cut off my windpipe when lying down. I’m now on just t3 and my thyroid is on average just about 2-3 times the normal size (much more manageable). But as my disease processes (hashimotos, hypothyroid, CFS, & FM) collide, I find it still fluctuates even after 15 years. I’ll be 31 this year, so it’s been a difficult and hard road, but find a doc that will look at your entre clinical picture- not just your labs! The more I stay away from foods that I know are not good for me, the more stable it all becomes.


Neeta Bali December 5, 2012 at 11:11 pm

Thank you for posting this story, which is very touching and inspiring and resonates deeply with my own…….After the gall bladder operation, I had a long list of challenges and stayed in bed for two whole years! I am walking now, thanks to the diet and lifestyle changes I made and I still have to be careful, but truly believe the worse is behind me now……I am so grateful :-)


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:26 am

2 years!! Oh you poor poor thing. SO happy to hear you are doing better. Its amazing how appreciative we become of a normal, healthy day..when thats taken away for so long! Cheers to you! xx


Staceys December 6, 2012 at 12:10 am

Thank you so much for sharing this! I think I have some form of autoimmune disease but no doctors can find anything for me but I do feel that a change in my diet and for sure adding probiotics would be soo beneficial, which Ive only read about but to find a doctor that will help is super hard!! That’s great that you have found what is wrong and can now do something about it!! Thanks again!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:27 am

You are so welcome!!


Tanya December 6, 2012 at 12:17 am


Did you go to NY to see the Dr that treated you for candida? Or does he do phone consults?



Brittany December 6, 2012 at 2:00 am

Tanya- I went to see him (I saw Dean) for my first visit. Since then I have had my followup appointments by phone.


Sherri December 6, 2012 at 12:50 am

Thanks so much for sharing your story! And thanks for a great blog, too. As everyone has said, it’s so nice to not feel alone in this isolating diet.

I am battling chronic Lyme (like a couple above, too). Also years of issues…and numerous doctors. What a blessing to find great doctors, eh? May God bless you as you continue your healing journey. It’s good to be ALIVE!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:28 am

Good doctors are a gift greater than any other possible gift that could be given. Hard to find- but worth the work it takes to finally get to them!
I feel the same.. so thankful to be alive!!


MARIA December 6, 2012 at 1:38 am

Hi Brittany!

It’s new for me posting in a blog, but with your great, clear and precise explanation about how your life changed prior changing your diet, I felt I had to. What you’re saying is extremely true and I think it would help tremendously to change someone else’s life.
In my case, I had terrible migraines since I was 9 years old. They totally ruined my whole day/rutine and couldn’t go forth with what I was doing… I had to go to bed, close all curtains, turn out the lights, and most of the times ended up worse… In the end migraines began with sight loss. I was always ashamed of it because it inclusively gave me problems at work.

At age 20, from one moment to another, I began having a terrible pain on my shoulders, it quickly went on to attack most of my articulations. My finger got huge as a side effect, and I couldn’t raise my arms nor turn my head naturally. I went to get a shot and not even one applied directly to the vein would help me decrease the pain.

I had luck because I went to the right doctor respecting diagnosis. He told me I had reactive arthritis. This was a complete surprise, and something I never heard existed before. For a year I was under an anti inflammatory treatment… but it basically was based on pills. No test would deliver us any explanation on WHY or HOW I had that disease.

I was like that for 9 months (obviously combined with my migraines), until a friend of mine told me about paleo diet. I actually started it because I wanted to loose some weight… but amazingly whilst I began with it, my symptoms improved.

That was on 2008, from that day to the present, my reactive arthritis has completely disappeared and I haven’t had anymore migraines. This is actually a miracle and had changed my life completely. Now I can say I know what a tensional headache is!

No gluten, no sugar, and recently no dairy, has changed my life!

Best regards,

Maria E. (Peru)


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:29 am

Gluten and sugar!! A magical combination indeed!! Most people don’t realize that sugar is poison!!
So amazing to hear what you came through. Cheers to better health! xx


Healthy Jasmine December 6, 2012 at 3:05 am

I just shared your story and love how encouraging and inspiration it is. It reminds me of my mission to help heal my son’s gut. We are on our 6th doctor for him and I am SO determined to prove others wrong and that I am not THAT crazy mom. :) Blessings to you!


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:29 am

Your baby boy is SO lucky to have you!! Keep at it.. I look forward to hear about his perfect health in days to come! xx


Rachel December 6, 2012 at 3:17 am

Hi, Brittany! Thank you so much for all your posts and recipes…they have been an enormous resource for me recently as I am trying to heal myself. I have Celiac Disease (diagnosed 10 years ago but sick long before) and I am still suffering from so many digestive issues that just wreak havoc with the rest of my well-being and life.

I was wondering — what brand of probiotics do you use? I’ve taken New Chapter’s non-dairy based priobiotics before…do you know if that is a good quality brand?

Again, thank you for all of your insight!


Jen December 6, 2012 at 3:51 am

This is really inspiring. Our stories are so similar, it’s good to hear from others who have overcome the same kind of issues.


Margaret December 6, 2012 at 5:08 am

It’s scary how similar the beginnings of your health problems are to my own. I also had a “hyperkinetic” gallbladder, was diagnosed with gastroparesis and severe heartburn at the same time, and having the gallbladder removed only provided relief for a little while. I’d been gluten free for 4 years already at that point, but it clearly wasn’t enough! I still have no answers, and have a lot of bad days, but I’m hoping one of these years my body decides it will heal itself. How did you find out about the systemic candida? I’m wondering if there’s a test I can ask my doctor to order, as I’m guessing that may be part of my problem since the very low sugar/low carb diet helps a lot.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:32 am

Oh wow! THats wild.. I never had heard of anyone experiencing what I did.
I learned of my candida because it became so bad it was literally visible.. I developed thrush, it was in my urine, stool etc. I could see tiny specs of yeast in everything and I felt like I was dying. BUT I had had it for years leading up to that. There are stool tests that can look for yeast overgrowth. I was offered a test via my chiropractor.


Jackie D December 6, 2012 at 5:22 am

Thanks so much for sharing! I could sure use some of this advice! Glad you’re on the right path to healing now!!

P.S. Your recipes are great! :)


Hannah Healy December 6, 2012 at 5:33 am

Wow! What a moving story. I can’t believe all the suffering you’ve gone through, but I’m glad to hear that you figured it out and are moving on a path towards good health!


Kate @ Eat, Recycle, Repeat December 6, 2012 at 6:32 am

Congratulations! I’m happy to hear how much progress you’ve made on your healing journey


Brenna Waterman December 6, 2012 at 5:32 pm

God bless you for all you do Brittany! I too have pretty much all the same exact health issues as you except for Candida…Your recipes and wealth of information have been a huge blessing to me, i can’t even begin to tell you. Thank you!!!!

Brenna :)


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:32 am

Awww You are so welcome!!! xxxxx


Serena December 6, 2012 at 6:22 pm

Thank you for this post. I’m so sorry for your loss (I know that pain). Your story is very similar to mine, though my gall bladder thankfully is still where it should be. I’ve been having an especially hard time the past few weeks, but this really encouraged me. Thank you again.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:33 am

Keep at it!!! You will get better. HUGS!


Mickey @ autoimmune-paleo December 6, 2012 at 8:25 pm

Thanks for sharing your story! I also have Hashimoto’s and have found healing in many of the same ways you have. I can absolutely verify that it works!

How long have you been taking a biofilm disruptor? I just bought some and am going to start using it next month as a part of a natural SIBO strategy. I don’t have it bad and would like to avoid antibiotics as I hear they don’t work very well. I haven’t heard too many people talking about how it has helped them so I am curious. Do you take it on an empty stomach before your antifungal?




Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:35 am

Antibiotics make candida WORSE because they kill all your good bacteria, which allows the bad to just grow out of control further. I have been on the biofilm supplement for a few months. I’ll be on it until I rebuild my immune system and it by itself can control the candida. It may be different for you..


stephanie ewals December 6, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Thanks for this post. I brought a copy of it to my Naturopath and asked about the Biofilm defense and we are going to give it a try. I was telling her that I was drinking your green juice recipe everyday and she told me that raw vrassica veggies such as spinach and kale (and broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts) can interfere with thyroid function. So I now have to steam them before adding them to the juice. Just thought I would share in case it can help anyone else.


Brittany December 7, 2012 at 1:36 am

Yes! Thats correct for SOME people. I however never had an issue with any of those veggies uncooked. Everyone is different. Also, I don’t juice with any of those veggies :) Just because Im not wild about the way they taste as juice. blah! :)


Katie December 6, 2012 at 10:54 pm

Wow, you poor thing! Thank you for this awesome list, I’m bookmarking it for reference! I read the description for that Glutathione Recycler K57, and still have no idea what it does haha.


Jolene Brighten December 11, 2012 at 7:23 pm

When glutathione is efficiently recycled it helps balance our immune system (increase Th3 activity), which is crucial in autoimmunity. Glutathione also has an important role in repairing “leaky gut”, a condition in which there is a break down in the natural gut barrier. Since most of our immune system is contained in the gut, we can easily develop food allergies when proteins begin to leak through this barrier. This can then aggravate autoimmunity further and cause many uncomfortable gut symptoms.

The Glutathione Recycler product helps support healthy levels of glutathione through enzyme support, specifically enzymes that aid in its activity and maintaining an active form of glutathione.


Brittany December 11, 2012 at 9:24 pm

GREAT answer!! Thank you so much for leaving these responses. Being that I’m not a doctor I wanted to be careful that I worded everything right :)


MomLadyOR December 7, 2012 at 6:56 am

Brittany, you are simply amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing your story and giving many of us the strength to continue on. I’m about 2+ yrs behind you in my journey of healing, but 20 yrs behind you in figuring it out!! Thank you so much for reminding me what I’m doing is worth it and eventually I can be healthy again. Keep up the great work!! Thanks again. You are beautiful in more ways than one. :) Hugs!!


kathryn December 7, 2012 at 2:04 pm

hello brittany, and everyone,
i have been reading you for a while because i also identify with oh so much that you have to say. Thank you for saying it all out loud and offering us all this place to meet.

i had first candida symptoms at 14. type 1 diabetes by 15.
15-25: very regular chronic migraines, acne, general miserable-ness. all the whilst trying to balance see-sawing bloodsugar with multiple daily injections, plus all the anxiety that goes along with that. so not fun.

by 26 i realised something had to give and that dairy, wheat and sugar were not my friends. this despite being told by several GPs that my diet had absolutely no impact on my symptoms.
like you, i had no alternative but to find my own way.

i now do well on fish, tofu, low GI veggies and a few nuts and seeds. and the all important ghee. As my gut heals i notice i need to eat much less because my new food is so nutrient dense and my body is more able to access those nutrients.
i found the blood type diet the best explaination as to why some peeps need meat ( The Os) whilst others do well on plant based diets ( the As). There is more to it than this but i found it answered so many of my personal questions that i went on to study it in a formal manner.

despite all this i am very happy ! i achieved a BA first class and an MA with distinction and i now do well with my freelance work. i know that when i decide to do something that i can make it happen. i do aim to be free from insulin injections and feel myself moving closer to this all the time.

it has taken me many years to get to this point, i see now that i couldn’t have made all the changes in one go, i went at the pace that i needed to. i’m 34 now but am often mistaken for looking 10 years younger (which i attribute to improved, glowing good health!)

i so appreciate hearing all the stories here, we are all so strong and can inspire every other person in our lives. i know that the best thing to come out of this is that i/we can be shining examples of just what is possible to achieve., true transformation. i take great comfort in that, it is exciting !

as others have said, do pm me if wish.


April December 7, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Finally! I have been struggling with most, if not all of the same symptoms that you have for the last several years, and have been to many doctors, with no diagnosis besides lupus and fibro. I was told basically there was nothing I could do for it except take medication for the symptoms, which I had to give up because they made me extremely ill. Thank you for providing this information, now I feel like I may actually have a chance at fighting the illnesses I have. Starting a new way of eating today, based on your very helpful info and links, thanks for the chance at giving me an option in fighting my medical issues and not just having to accept them as my doctors said I would have to.


Becky December 8, 2012 at 8:18 pm

Great post. It is refreshing to hear someone call this what it is, remission. You kicked your disease into remission. So often I am bombarded by friends and support people who have latched onto the newest “cure”. I rather think of what I am after as permanent remission. My disease will always be a part of me, I would just like it to stay asleep for as much of my life as possible! Congrats on all of your hard work and persistence.


ANOUK VAN GOENS December 8, 2012 at 10:16 pm

Hi Brittany,

I also have hashimoto’s disease and worked with a practitioner on Dr. K’s protocol. It saved my life as well, after a long process of two years too. I did not have candida however but leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, vitamin and mineral deficiencies among others. I also changed to Erfa thyroid which is much better than the synthethic Euthyrox that I took for so many years. My question to you is, you said you were doing a low carb diet, do you have any idea how many grs. of carbs you where eating every day during this process?…. Just asking because I can see you bake a lot !!!….. I barely bake anything, and although I am not fully Paleo I eat very rarely a GF bread only ocasionally…. Still struggling to loose 15 pounds.


Agne December 9, 2012 at 5:13 am

Hello, i’m amazed w your story, my labs after first baby showed i’m hypothyroid, but i refused syntroid, and w natural supplements got my TSH in the rangem then had another baby and the TSH went off again. My doctor is insisting for me starting syntroid, but i’m hoping to get myself back. I/ve been getting hives there and there, and thinking what are they coming from. Every morning drinking green juice for a 4 months already. feel the improvement in my body and gallbladder “(i have sand) no more reflux, but recently i got this throat virus, and it’s not going away, throat swollen for 2 weeks already (sore throat), red eyes, kind of allergy (winter?). Taking fish oils, whole food vitamins, thyroid support w iodine. Would you have any advice for me from this short story? I stopped breastfeeding just 4 months ago, and still have some milk coming out…


Brittany December 10, 2012 at 10:45 pm

Thyroid medications do not have any long term negative ramifications. I would encourage you to embrace the script because your body is not going to be able to heal if your not making enough thyroid hormones.
This is one thing that dealing with naturally isn’t always the best way to go. Thyroid medication is safe and is a gift!


Jolene Brighten December 11, 2012 at 7:11 pm

You should consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor to discuss thyroid medications. There are several options out there and your doctor should be able to help you make the best informed decision for your condition. Thyroid hormone has an important role throughout the body. Consider having a conversation with your doctor.


Kristin December 9, 2012 at 1:20 pm

I cannot thank you enough, Brittany, for sharing your story, as so much of it sounds like my own. Now I have a star to guide on to return to good health. Like April, I’ll be starting those changes in diet TODAY. The best of luck to you as you continue your journey, and many kind thanks for helping all the rest of us along the way :)


bitt December 10, 2012 at 2:17 am

I hope one day I can say this too. This is very inspiring. I am having issues with my gallbladder too, and heartburn. Although I am already doing the diet. I am waffling back and forth with getting my GB out, and your post helped me decide (I have interviewed a lot of people but we seem to be similar in many ways). thanks for sharing this, I know it isn’t easy to reveal this sort of stuff online. Take care.


Heather C. December 10, 2012 at 4:21 am

Thanks for providing this, Brittany. My mom sent me this blog and I find it encouraging and useful. I deal with almost everything you listed (no Hashimoto’s as far as I can tell). I’ve been slowly working on improving my health and have managed to lose weight and decrease my inflammation issues to some degree, but I find that I’m continuing to collect intolerances and have only decreased the severity of my adrenal issues a little. Sometimes I still have adrenal crashes and there’s generally a low-level fatigue that sticks with me. I’m considering the GAPS diet, though I still have some research to do. The idea of finding some kind of practitioner is daunting. I know the advice would be helpful, but I struggle with the doctor’s office conversations. I’m definitely going to check out your page. I admire your persistence and determination and pray that I will have the same as time goes on! Best of luck as you keep fighting!


Jolene Brighten December 11, 2012 at 7:07 pm

This is such a great testament and why I love being a Naturopathic Doctor. I am sorry to hear that you struggled so long and this is often the story I hear from my patients. I’ve treated a lot of Hashimoto’s, often in patients who have struggled with their symptoms for a long time. I appreciate this post and your courage to share your story because it brings more awareness to this disease and will undoubtedly help many others who are experiencing your same symptoms. I wish you continued health.


Kat December 12, 2012 at 7:04 pm

I too have suffered from Candida for many years….they actually found it in my stomach during an endoscopy and in my blood! I am going to get the antifungal you talk about and hope that helps…Can you tolerate raw goat cheese with Candida or is this a no? I tend to eat a lot of this but am wondering if i should completely cut out dairy to help.
Thanks for the helpful tips!!!


The Healthy Apple December 15, 2012 at 3:25 am

BEAUTIFUL POST. Love you so much and I am so happy for you! So glad that you and I are feeling better and we are healing. Love you like a sister.
Keep up your amazing work, Britt.


Sarah December 15, 2012 at 3:25 pm

Thanks so much for sharing this! I’ve been struggling since I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis last summer- at first the dr’s put me on tons of antibiotics (because that’s their default), and that made what I now know is leaky gut much much worse. I bounced from dr to dr, they all told me to just live with it, and offered narcotics for the pain. I finally in desperation went to my current dr (a wonderful ND who also does accupuncture), and she had me go through a round of food allergy testing. My symptoms are much better and my digestive tract is finally stable, and finally much less faintness/dizziness. I was previously a vegetarian for 6 years, and I had to start eating meat which was hard. For awhile there I couldn’t even drive, I had to have my husband take me places. I had to cut out eggs, wheat, dairy, rice, potatoes, and chocolate. Since I started I’ve voluntarily gone grain and sugar free. Your recipes are such a wonderful gift to those of use looking bleakly at our new modified diet, thinking that all that’s left for us is subsistence eating. Keep up the good work!


sabina December 17, 2012 at 10:55 pm

How did you find out you had systemic candida? Did you have issues with your weight? Did you lose weight as you started to heal? Did you exercise during the healing process? I can not believe how similar our stories are & how much hope you’ve given me. Thank you!


amy December 18, 2012 at 9:03 pm

newly diagnosised. still struggling with acceptance of autoimmune conditions. still trying to find the will & strength for the long battle ahead. but today you gave me hope. today you made me feel not so alone. today i think i can do this. today i believe i can not only live, but someday thrive. thank u. thank u for shining a light in the dark for me today.


Judy December 29, 2012 at 2:39 pm

Great post. I also have Hashimoto’s and following Dr. Khazzarian’s gluten-grain-sugar-dairy-free diet I am 99% improved. Strangely enough, every thyroid pills I ever took, and I’ve tried every kind, did nothing except make me sick. Herbs do all kinds of nasty things to me. I read in the book The Autoimmune Epidemic that there is a theory supplements make autoimmune diseases worse. I had hoped thyroid pills would do something for the fatigue, but only diet remedied the problem. I believe what is left of my symptoms is from adrenal fatigue, but the herbs and supplements doctors prescribe for it do nothing as well. I am intrigued by the accupuncture treatments. Did the practioner require you to take any Chinese herbs in conjunction with the treatments? Other than it took six months, any other details you can share that would help me find a good accupuncturist? As usual, I’m leery of accupuncture from past experience, but I need to do something without pills to support the adrenals. Thanks!!


Brittany December 29, 2012 at 11:46 pm

The various herbs used for Adrenal Fatigue made me sick too!! Terribly sick- they threw my autoimmune balance into chaos! I brought this up to my doctor and he validated that this can happen..
So for adrenal fatigue instead I remedy it with Vitamin B during my tired portion of the day- and then I drink tons of green juice! I find that for me- its all liver related. When my liver is clogged up from detoxing then my adrenal and blood sugar issues go crazy. By supporting my liver everything else balances out accordingly.


Elisaar January 2, 2013 at 9:51 am

Hi! Thanks a lot for sharing your story! You have mo idea how much hope you just gave me and my husband.
I would like to ask you a question about my crazy blood sugar if you don’t mind.
I’ve been ill for 3 years now and finally on a diet for Leaky Gut, severe Adrenal Fatigue, and crazy blood sugar rises and drops. I’m grain/egg/dairy/nut/seed/sugar/fruit free and eat on a 4 day rotation schedule steamed organic non starchy veggies next to my all organic salmon/beef/chicken tighs+legs/pork/lamb.
My problem is, that even after cutting out sugar and starch, my blood sugar seems to react crazy to high protein meats. For example today on the morning I had steamed kale with pork chop and my bloodsugar flew up like crazy ( I have a glucose meter)in an hour and then drops after 2. Within half an hour of eating that I get palpitations, sweats, feeling faibt and dizzy, my face looks like a drug addict and so on. Whenever this happens I don’t feel good the rest of the day.
But when I eat self made meat balls instead, there’s no problem, my blood sugar rises normally and I FEEL normal :) I’m so alone in this, as my doc and dietician are retards and I ‘m figuring it all out by myself. I’d be so gratefull if you could maybe give me an idea on what to do or avoid. Could it be protein is better to avoid??? Then what do I eat???
Thank you so much.
Love from Elisaar


Chambet January 4, 2013 at 3:45 pm

I need recipes for my daughter who is now gluten..dairy..corn free…corn we think is the main issue and is in EVERYTHING!


Brittany January 4, 2013 at 5:09 pm

99% of my recipes are gluten and dairy Free and then a big chunk also corn free. My grain free recipes should work well for you!


Jen January 20, 2013 at 7:43 am

Hi Brittany,

The multivitamin you take from Thorne, are they the kind of capsules you can open and mix the powder into something else? I have a 5 year old with leaky gut and is waaaay too picky of an eater. I’m sure he is not getting the nutrition he needs. But when he’s allergic to to so many things (gluten, milk, eggs, corn, pineapple, bananas, sesame), I have never found a vitamin supplement he can take. And he dislikes smoothies. Sigh. Many thanks!


Brittany January 20, 2013 at 11:10 am

I have a better idea!
Check out Wellesse liquid vitamins!
They are certified gluten free ( and free of a bunch of allergens too!)
They are liquid and taste really good!!
If you use the promo code “REAL” then you’ll save $3 at check out if you want to try them.


Jodi Castallo January 24, 2013 at 6:28 pm

I loved your article! It is so nice to read about other people’s successes and maybe get some great new insights into my own very similar issues. What is the probiotic that you are taking?


Tyra January 29, 2013 at 4:56 am

Thanks so much for sharing your journey to better health! Not to mention some awesome, yummy recipes! :-) I have a lot of health issues and have tried various natural things over the years trying to get relief. I also have 4 kids who struggle with tons of problems as well so it can be more than a little overwhelming knowing what to do for all of us. Any suggestions on what to try when your kids just don’t want to eat the stuff on a stricter diet?? We actually already eat super healthy compared to most people but I really think with all of our issues we need to do more. Have been trying to eliminate grains, etc since the first of the year but things are just rough. And of course just the stress alone makes everyone worse!
Thanks again for sharing. I love your site and will definitely keep checking out your recipes to help with our food choices.


Debra January 29, 2013 at 5:24 am

I have struggled through diagnosis of food allergies, hashimotos, depression, bipolar disorder, and being called a hypochondriac. Thank you so much for your persistence and drive to become healthy. I can’t tell you what hope your store gives me!

Thank you!!


Sarah January 29, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Can you giver a run down of all the mess, vitamins and OTC stuff you take on a daily basis? I’d like to see what I’m up against. You sound like me!!!


Carly January 29, 2013 at 2:12 pm

I can so relate to your story!! Mine started with 2 (early) miscarriages and one healthy baby. Life has never been the same. I had asthma and allergies my whole life. The pregnancies kicked in hypothyroidism, joint pain, horrible sebbhorea (sp.), eczema, and chronic fatigue. It’s been three years and I feel amazing. However, I just cut out grains a month ago and I do feel like it has made a huge difference and I can’t wait to continue without grains to experience even more healing. I do super high doses of probiotics, fermented foods, cod liver oil, lots of fresh veggie juices. I did an elimination diet and I avoid all but meat (grass fed, organic, local), vegetables and some fruits. I’m so happy you feel better (this is my first time on our site)! It gives me hope that one day I will be able to add foods back into my diet!


Katharine January 29, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Way to go Brittany!! You are a fighter, and so inspiring. Thank you for sharing about yourself (and of course thanks for all the recipes!). I read your amazing story, and have 2 questions: 1) were all your thyroid levels “normal” on your labs, despite your eventual confirmation of hypothyroidism and Hashimotos? 2) how did you figure out you had a systemic candida infection? I have strong family hx of type 2 diabetes (not weight related) so I guess my prediabetes is mostly hereditary. But I still wonder if there are other underlying contributing factors. Of course I’ve kicked gluten and sugar to the curb and eat low carb, but still have some random health stuff that has me wondering about thyroid. And I can just barely keep my glucose in range despite my pretty healthy diet and exercise habits.


Katharine January 29, 2013 at 6:25 pm

Just realized you answered tons of questions in the comments — I’ll read them! :)


Heather January 29, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Wow reading this I feel like I am reading about me! Your blog is so helpful. Thanks so much! When you say low carb, how many grams of carbs do you try to stick to per day? Do you exercise? I exercise a lot, which I believed too much exercise contributed to my hashimotos. Did you have problems with eggs?


Debbie February 5, 2013 at 2:41 am

I just wanted to say thank you to you Brittany.

Your site is truly a blessing. I have suffered from a multitude of different issues just as you and am allergic to everything. After being sick for 6 years and 3 of those years battling different infections that would only get worse after each dose of antibiotic I have finally taken control of my health. I found an acupuncturist who also specializes in Chinese medicine. Although expensive, he is the only person who has truly helped me in my journey to get well. I am just now starting the die off process and it is honestly one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is an emotional and very challenging roller coaster and it is very helpful to read your amazing story. I am just turning 24 so it is comforting knowing there are others who understand what it is like feeling this way. I have completely changed my diet to a low carb, zero sugar diet. I was already gluten free which made the transition easier. I love your recipes and am excited to start making more of them. Unfortunately I am allergic to almonds but I will have fun trying to recreate your recipes without the almond flour! Again thank you :)


Melissa February 5, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Thank you for sharing your story! I was very sick for a long time (it’s why I started my business) and its nice to know I’m not alone! Thank you Brittany :)


Fern February 7, 2013 at 3:21 pm

Brittany, THANK YOU for sharing your story and your advice. This is the best gift… I have been struggling with keeping my Hashimoto’s in check, and been off gluten and soy for about a year, dairy for three, and just found out last month that the chronic sinitis I’ve been experiencing is due to the case of Candida that has been present for gosh knows how long…I’ve always been very mucousy and have had a terrible immune system, always feeling fatigued and run down ‘like I’m catching something’ and I eat organic, clean, vegan!!! Now have cut out sugar completely and on a plethora of herbal antifungals and liver support supplements, did a green juice cleanse and had a colon hydrotherapy session, another scheduled for next week. I’m so upset that after years of going to doctors, no one was able to tell me what the underlying cause of my symptoms were…they just gave me OTC cold medicine, nasal steriods and antibiotics to cover up. UGH! It’s been a struggle and it is amazing to see your progress – kicking my autoimmune disease into remission – that is my goal, too! I had begun to get depressed that I was feeling so foggy and out of it, and I now have hope that there are treatments and doctors that can help get my immune system and thyroid levels back in check. I’ve made an appointment with Dr. Mitchell, as I live in NYC. Can you please email me at so we can chat more?? I have a bunch of questions for you…. and would appreciate some advice on the candida and sublingual immunotherapy!!


Saundra March 15, 2013 at 7:13 pm

I so wish I lived closer to NYC so I could work with Dr. Mitchell!! I live in the western part of the states :) . I so need dome help with Hashimotos. I have all the connected autoimmune diseases as well….. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, sjogrens, Epstein Barr, Celiac & then just went to my dentist a few works for my cleaning and I have another autoimmune problem in my mouth!
I’ve been working on this for years! I follow a strict diet … I am grateful go you & others who so willing share your recipes to add diversity go my menus. But I still have major issues and can’t seem to get any if this under control. But I continue to work at getting well through nutrition and supplements. In the meantime I do have to take several scripts to get through the day. :(


Dana April 14, 2013 at 7:14 pm

dear Brittany,
thank you very much for your post. Could you please recommend probiotics you used. I seem to react to most of them as they contain matltodextrin or other kind of carriers that my system cannot tolerate.

Thank you


Susan Bostrom April 14, 2013 at 7:38 pm

Hi Brittany, Your story is giving my hope that I can find a solution to my chronic pain. You’re one of the few Hashi’s people I’ve ev er met that has the pain aspect to the extreme that I do. Doing most of the things you recommend but am still hopeful that, if you found a way, I can, too! XO Susan


JOANN FAHEY April 27, 2013 at 12:04 am

WOW if this doesn’t sound like my issues to the T….it makes me depressed to see that this has been a 3 year process for you, and that you felt like you had the flu for 3 months in the die stage. I can’t imagine feeling any worse than I do now. Your story is inspiring and hopeful to me. My mother is probably more Pro active in my health than I am….but I can see I need to start taking her and my own health a lot more serious!!! On top of having all the medical issues you discuss…I also have Crohn’s Disease going on 10 years now, hypothyroidism, low vitamin b12 and D levels, anemia, chronic fatigue. My problem is…I try to stay away from Dr’s. I take no medicine…never have! Eating Gluten free does help, but I also have developed food intolerances. At 54 years old, there are no good days for me….in stomach and back pain every day with disrupted sleep. I have no life…all I do is work and sleep, and I require A LOT of sleep!!! Thank you Brittany for sharing your remarkable story. I hope to benefit from your experiences. God Bless you! JoAnn


Bee May 1, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Can u please give more details of the diet u followed? What was the macronutrient ratios/percentages u followed? How much fat, carbs, pro?

Did u eat fruits, starchy veg?

It’d so incredibly helpful to see a snapshot of what ur typical daily bf, lunch dinner, and snacks consisted of. Is it possible for u to please provide this? It would give us a ton of guidanc.

Glad u are bbetter!!!!


Elisha May 1, 2013 at 1:41 pm

Hi, thanks for sharing you journey. Congratulations on your achievements because I know how hard the struggle to heal an autoimmune body can be. I have Hashimoto’s, adrenal problems, candida, vitiglio, etc., and have been blogging my journey to health. I have been doing coffee enemas to deal w/ Candida and to my surprise, I also passed parasites (though I tested negative for parasites before), but I believe the caffeine has further aggravated my adrenal fatigue. Both my cortisol and DHEA have been low for a few years now. Like you experienced, my gallbladder is sluggish and I don’t have stones, but I’m holding on to it for dear life because I want to heal my entire digestive system, and my mom and grandma developed IBS and gained weight upon getting out their GB’s. Do you think you could’ve healed your GB, had you’ve known all you do now? I don’t want to part with it, but if I can’t heal with it, then I’ll get it out. I’m not digesting fat well. I have severe bloating much of the time. I just found out I carry the MTHFR genes too. :/ I’m going to see a doctor, who specializes in the methylation cycle, and I’m going to research your suggestions, though I’m already doing much of it now. Wishing you continual success! Have you looked in to LDN? It works as long as your adrenals do. Many Hashi’s patients have successfully stopped taking NDT and are just on LDN.


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